Moxa Industrial Edge Device Solutions

Moxa has a comprehensive portfolio of edge-connectivity products that bridge various industrial devices to backbone networks in order to streamline the acquisition and transmission of data, voice, and video. Our serial/USB connectivity products, protocol gateways, and smart I/O devices integrate multiple networks for seamless cross-system communication.
Serial Device Servers – Connect Your Legacy Devices
Media Conversion
Protocol Gateways
Industrial Remote I/O
Easily Connect Your Serial and Ethernet Devices
Bringing legacy devices into an Ethernet-based network requires expert knowledge. Furthermore, phenomena such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and OT/IT convergence increasingly demand more and more devices to be connected, making connectivity more complex than ever. As a result, engineers face three main challenges: ensuring reliable connectivity, strengthening security, and simplifying the manageability of networks. Moxa serial conversion products include:
General Device Servers – Convert multiple devices with one device server
Combo Device Servers
Wireless Device Servers
USB to Serial /Serial to Serial – RS232 / RS422 and RS485 / Serial to Fiber / Serial to Ethernet
Industrial Protocol Gateways
The demand for protocol conversions has increased tremendously as industrial communication systems become more and more complex. Moxa’s MGate protocol gateways offer a variety of industrial protocol conversions and intuitive graphical interfaces, making them easy to use. Whether wired or wireless, single or multiple serial ports, Moxa’s gateway solutions make configuration, troubleshooting, and conversion quick and easy. Moxa industrial protocol gateway solutions include:
Modbus TCP
Serial Fieldbus

Industrial Fieldbus I/O
Moxa’s controllers and I/O products include a patented active monitoring technology and support for a versatile set of protocols to help you easily configure, deploy, and realize IIoT and control applications such as energy monitoring, facility monitoring, and machine OEM applications.
Advanced, Universal and Rugged versions available
Models avaiable for Serial, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Ethernet/IP
Available witt Digital In/Out, Analog In/Out, Relay Out, RTD In, Thermocouple In and Serial Ports
Wide range of physical design formats from stand-a-lone units to expandable modular systems.
Moxa Resources and Information
Moxa Automation Ecosystem Flyer (PDF)
Simplify Connecting to Smarter Manufacturing (PDF)
Moxa Intelligent Connectivity Brochure 2020 (PDF)
Serial to Ethernet Device Security Checklist (PDF)
Nport 6000 Quick Card (PDF)
Moxa Industrial Media Converter Quick Card (PDF)